First Aid for Spider Bites

First Aid for Spider Bites

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First Aid for Spider Bites                Although many people are afraid of spiders, these arthropods do not usually bite humans unless they are feeling threatened, resulting to spider bites. Spider bites are injuries from bites of spiders or other closely related arachnid. They are hunters that paralyze and kill their prey using their bites. Infrequently do they bite for self-defense, such as is usually the case with humans when they are pressed against. Human body parts are rarely mistaken as prey. Most of these spider bites have no serious medical consequence.

Components of Spider Bite Venoms

Venom is the general term describing any variety of toxins used by animals to inject to their prey or victims through a bite, sting or any sharp body organ. It is typically injected directly into the lymphatic system, which can cause damage faster. Not all spider bites involved venom injection through the skin. Although rarely do these bites cause serious harm, some species, which will be later discussed, contain poisonous venoms. Venoms can include:

  • Necrotic agents: leads to tissue death
  • Neurotoxins: damages the nerves
  • Agents
  • Rarely, infectious diseases

Species that Cause Dangerous Spider Bites

Only a number of spiders cause serious, potentially fatal, to humans. It is estimated that some 200 species of over 40, 000 spider species are actually dangerous. Some of the most common dangerous spiders are:

  • Black Widow Spider
    • Rarely deadly
    • Characterized by red hourglass shape on its belly
    • Red Back Spider
      • Characterized by red back
      • White Tail Spider
        • Characterized by white tail
        • Brown Recluse Spider
          • Characterized by a violin-like mark on its back

Signs and Symptoms

  • Pain duration
    • Non-venomous spider bites: five minutes to an hour
    • Venomous spider bites: longer than one hour
    • Redness and swelling
    • Itching or burning
    • Numb
    • Tingling sensation
    • Black Widow Spider
      • Severe pain and stiffness
      • Chills
      • Fever
      • Nausea and vomiting
      • Intense abdominal pain
      • Brown Recluse Spider
        • Mild sting
        • Intense pain
        • Blister filled with fluid, which will be discarded leaving a deep, enlarging ulcer
        • Slight fever and rash
        • Nausea

First Aid Treatment for Spider Bites

Although they are not often dangerous,

href=”″>spider bites must still be treated to minimize injuries and risks for infection. The following steps do not substitute for first aid training or medical advice. These are merely tips for immediate action.

  • Try to identify the spider.
  • Thoroughly clean the affected area with water and soap.
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compress over the spider bite.
  • Elevate injured area if spider bite is extreme.
  • If needed, take over-the-counter pain medications.
  • If there is severe swelling, consider taking antihistamines

If the spider bite is caused by dangerous specie:

  • Thoroughly clean the affected area with water and soap.
  • Tie a compact above the bite area while ensuring that blood flow is still allowed. Raise the affected area.
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compress over the spider bite.

Seek immediately for a doctor to advice regarding the spider bite.

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