Conductive Hearing Loss

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In conductive hearing loss the problem lies on the middle ear – eardrum or ossicles. It affects the passage of sound between the ear drum and the inner ear. It occurs over all frequencies, resulting in sound and voices which seem faint and muffled.

Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive Hearing Loss
It occurs over all frequencies, resulting in sound and voices which seem faint and muffled.
  • Massive build-up of wax in the ear may cause the sound to stop from reaching the ear drum.
  • Otitis externa and otitis media are infections that may affect outer ear.
  • Hole in the eardrum. Hole in the eardrum may be cause by some activities such as, scuba diving and flying in an airplane. These may also cause by trauma, surgery or infection.
  • Glue Ear. Inflammation of the middle ear.
  • It may be caused by a syndrome or other genetic reasons.
  • Bang on the Head (due to trauma). Small bones in the middle ear may disrupt that transmit sound.
  • Ear Surgery. Surgery may harm the ear drum or small bones that stops the sound from passing effortlessly through to the inner ear.
  • Tumor of the ear canal.

We can prevent the build-up of earwax on ears that can commonly cause hear loss. Keeping your ears clean. Wearing of ear plugs and bath cap while swimming and emptying water from and drying ears afterward, may also be a big help swimmers attain an infection that could lead to conductive hearing loss.

10 tips for safer listening

  1. Use earplugs. Get away from the noise as quickly or as often as you can, because it will give greater chance of damaging your hearing.
  2. Turn down the music. Avoid too loud sounds when using headphones.
  3. Use the 60:60 rule. Use at 60% of the maximum volume of your music for not more than 60 minutes a day.
  4. Wear headphones. Choose noise-cancelling headphones.
  5. Turn down the dial. Small reduction to the volumes of your gadget can make a big difference to the risk of damage to your hearing.
  6. Usage of earplugs when heeding to live music. They can decrease normal sound levels by between 15 and 35 decibels.
  7. Don’t position up with work noise. If there’s too loud noise at your office, talk to the human resource person and ask for advice in reducing the noise.
  8. Wear ear protectors. Earplugs can help you from too loud sound that may affect your hearing.
  9. Be careful in the car. Listening to music in a confined space increases the danger of hearing damage.
  10. Have a hearing detox. Give your ears time to improve after they’ve been exposed to loud noise.

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