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Syncope is a medical term for fainting. It is a sudden loss of consciousness, typically caused by lack of oxygen in the brain. The deprivation of oxygen to the brain has many possible causes which includes hypotension.

Syncope may be caused by a serious illness, condition or disorder. Anybody who experiences fainting episode should contact their doctor. Every case of passing out should be treated as a medical emergency.

Pre-syncope or near-syncope. The person can remember events during the loss of consciousness, such as wooziness, blurry vision, muscle weakness as well as fall before losing consciousness.

Syncope. The individual may remember the feelings of dizziness, but not the fall.

The following are the symptoms of syncope

Every case of passing out should be treated as a medical emergency.
  • Blurred vision
  • Heavy feelings
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Floating feeling
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea

Causes of Syncope

If brain blood and oxygen levels drop, consider the shutting down of the brain to other non-vital parts of the body. When the brain detects lower levels of oxygen, the body will start breathing faster to bring levels back up again.

The heart rate will rise in order to get more oxygen into the brain. This results in hypotension in other parts of the body, because the brain is flooded with blood.

Hyperventilation with hypotension may cause short term loss of perception, weakening of muscles, and syncope.

Facts about fainting

  • Scientific term for falling is syncope.
  • Fainting is caused by lack of oxygen.
  • Women would faint to appear fashionably frail.
  • Symptoms can be comprised of blurred vision and confusion.
  • Orthostatic hypotension is one of the types of fainting.
  • Dehydration, alcohol and diabetes are the potential causes of fainting.
  • Treatment may be according to the cause.

Prevention to Fainting

  1. Get hydrated with just plain water.
  2. Lie down and don’t get up too quickly.
  3. Control your breathing.
  4. Avoid your triggers, such as salt level, heat and hydration.
  5. Make sure there is proper ventilation.


What to do if someone has fainted?

If the person has fainted and doesn’t regain consciousness after 2 minutes, you should put them into recovery position. Do the following:

  • Put them on their adjacent so they’re sustained by one leg and one arm
  • Exposed their airway by sloping their head back and lifting their chin
  • Observe their breathing and pulse continuously


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