Reducing The Risks Of A Stroke

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Overview Of Strokes

You can help decrease your possibility of stroke by making healthy lifestyle changes. These are the most vital stages you can take to reduce your risk of stroke:

  • Make sure your blood pressure is normal.
  • If you smoke, try to quit.
  • Check to see if your sugar level is normal.
  • Sustain a healthy weight and remain active.
  • If you have a heart condition, make sure it is treated by a health professional.

Making these healthy alterations will also help reduce your possibility of diabetes and heart disease.

Risk Of Getting A Stroke

You can help decrease your possibility of stroke by making healthy lifestyle changes.
You can help decrease your possibility of stroke by making healthy lifestyle changes.

Having a high blood pressure level is the main cause for a stroke. There are usually no signs connected to high blood pressure, so make sure to get your blood pressure examined at least once a year. If you are concerned about your blood pressure, ask your GP if you have to get it tested more frequently.

Further risk factors for stroke consist of:

  • Smoking;
  • Consuming too much alcohol;
  • High cholesterol;
  • Lack of physical exercise and obesity;
  • An uneven heartbeat; and
  • Diabetes.

You are at larger risk of getting a stroke the older you get. You might also be more at risk if one of your relatives has had a stroke before. Make certain you know the medical history of your family and discuss it with your GP.

How Will You Know If You Are Having A Stroke?

A stroke occurs unexpectedly – and generally with little warning. Signs of a stroke consist of:

  • Unexpected difficulty when walking, faintness, or loss of steadiness;
  • Sudden confusion, difficulty talking, or unable to understand;
  • Problems related with vision or blurred vision;
  • Sudden unresponsiveness or weakness in the leg, arm, or face – particularly on one side of the body; and
  • Unexpected, severe headache or migraine.

 Related Video On Strokes

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