How To Manage Your Allergies

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An allergy is your body’s way of responding to something that doesn’t trouble most individuals. For instance, pollen, grass and cat hair can cause problems for some people.

What Does Allergies Feel Like?

An allergy is your body's way of responding to something that doesn't trouble most individuals. For instance, pollen, grass and cat hair can cause problems for some people.
An allergy is your body’s way of responding to something that doesn’t trouble most individuals. For instance, pollen, grass and cat hair can cause problems for some people.
  • Occasionally your skin might have red blotches and feel uncomfortable (sometimes termed ‘hives‘).
  • You might also feel warm and clammy or sneezy.
  • Your eyes and nose might be tender, enflamed and running (hay fever).
  • Your throat might feel painful.
  • Your face or your skin might bloat up.
  • You might feel nauseous or even vomit.
  • You might be breathless when you breathe

The Causes of Allergies?

There are several allergens that can cause an allergic response. Some of the frequent causes are:

  • Dust mites which survive in homes, particularly in beds, cushions and rugs, and live off dead skin cells.
  • Dust when the climate has been very dry and breezy.
  • Pollen from plants, grass or other vegetation, generally at certain periods when the pollen count increases.
  • Some foods, such as peanuts, seafood and milk.
  • Cosmetics or skin creams and deodorizers.
  • Animal hair or skin.
  • Cosmetics or skin creams and deodorizers.
  • Bites from certain insects (ants, bees, wasps).

Identifying Allergic Triggers

You are the only person who can determine what is actually causing the allergic reaction. You can be your own investigator and make a list of what you have eaten or what you have touched.

If you are having difficulties noting down your allergens, you need to see your GP. Your investigative work will help your GP to figure out how to help you. He or she might do some examinations to find out what is triggering the problem.

  • You might have to have an examination where a tiny amount of blood is drawn and sent to a lab to be examined for responses to various allergens so that you will be able to identify what to stay away from in the future.
  • You might also have an assessment where the prick your skin and when small droplets of various allergens are placed onto your skin and then that place is softly pierced with a needle. If that specific allergen is a causing the issue it could show up within several minutes or take up to a few days.
  • You might be placed onto a stringent diet when you are not permitted to eat anything that is not on the list. You have to keep a journal of what you drink and eat and any responses you might have.

 Related Video On Allergies

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