First Aid For Bites And Stings

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Symptoms such as inflammation of the tongue, lips and mouth, breathing problems or a general rash are possibly critical and need urgent medical assistance.


Stings From Bees

Get rid of the sting by brushing, never compress the site. Clean the region and apply antibacterial ointment. Keep the affected area rested, cool and slightly elevated. Inflammation and pain might last for quite a few days.

Hornet and Wasp Stings

Wasps and hornets don’t leave stings behind in the sting. Treat the skin as you would for a bee sting.


Use the same treatment as for bee stings.


Stings from a scorpion can be extremely excruciating and the pain might continue for quite a few hours. Redness and lack of sensation often take place. Clean the sting region; use antibacterial soap and place a cool pack on the area. Use pain medication such as paracetamol.


Place antibacterial on the bite region. Local redness, burning and pain usually occurs. People might experience a lot of pain.

Bites From Spiders

Red Back Spider

Clean the bitten area; use antibacterial cream and an ice pack. In most cases, only slight redness and pain is experienced. In a few cases, severe aching and other signs such as nausea and muscle ache occur over the first couple of hours. Take the casualty to the medical center if the symptoms get worse.

White-tailed Spider

There is no apparent scientific proof that bites from the white-tailed spider cause skin ulcerations. Use the same treatment used for all spider bites.

Snake Bites

Symptoms such as inflammation of the tongue, lips and mouth, breathing problems or a general rash are possibly critical and need urgent medical assistance.
Symptoms such as inflammation of the tongue, lips and mouth, breathing problems or a general rash are possibly critical and need urgent medical assistance.

Apply first aid for all snake bites, which could be potentially severe. Acquire urgent medical help. Call for an ambulance right away.

  • Do not clean, press or pierce the bitten area.
  • Place a pressure bandage on the area.
  • Keep the casualty still and at rest.
  • Do not offer anything to eat or alcohol.
  • Do not let the casualty walk.
  • Snakes bites sustained to the body and head must be dressed as securely as possible.
  • Do not try to grab or destroy the snake.

 Related Video On Bites And Stings

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