Treatment for Ankle Sprain

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Ankle sprain is a wound to the tough bands of tissue called ligaments on the outside ankle. This injury typically happens when you accidentally twist or turn your ankle.

Ankle sprain is associated commonly to women wearing high-heeled shoes and to all sorts of athletes. You might get sprain if your foot landed on the ground at a certain angle or with too much force. The risk of getting ankle pain is higher if you have had a previous ankle sprains, running on uneven surfaces, wear shoes that don’t fit well and playing sports that requires sudden change of direction.

What causes ankle sprain?

Ankle sprain may happen to anyone at any age. Inappropriate wearing of shoes may lead to this kind of injury. The sudden twist or roll can cause damage to ligaments, forcing ankle joint out of its normal position.

Treatment for Ankle Sprain
Ankle sprain is a wound to the tough bands of tissue called ligaments on the outside ankle.

Symptoms of ankle sprain

If you noticed the following, you may have sprained ankles

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Skin discoloration
  • Stiffness
  • Inability to put weight on the affected ankle

Things to be done to prevent ankle sprain

  • Proper exercise
  • Slowing or stopping activities when feel you fatigued
  • Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes
  • Warming up before exercising
  • Be attentive when walking to uneven surfaces

How ankle sprains diagnosed?

If you visit the doctor, he might give you a physical exam to determine the exact location of the injury. During the exam, the doctor will move your ankle joint in numerous ways to check variety of motion.

Some tests, such as x-ray will be ordered to rule out fracture. MRI, if doctor suspects a serious injury to the ligaments.


To prevent further discomfort, it is important to promote treatment of ankle sprains. Do not put mass on the injured part while recovering.

You may be able to handle mild sprains at home. Recommended home treatment includes:

  • Use elastic bandages to wrap an ankle
  • Wear braces to support ankle
  • Use crutches if needed
  • Elevate your foot with pillows while sleeping, which can help reduce swelling
  • Take ibuprofen to reduce pain
  • Take acetaminophen to manage swelling
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Practice stretching and strengthening exercises if recommended

Surgical treatment

  • Arthroscopy. The doctor uses a small camera, called an arthroscope, used to look inside your ankle joint.
  • Reconstruction. With stitches and sutures, the doctor may able to repair the torn ligaments. Some cases, he or she will rebuild the damaged ligament by substituting it with a tissue graft acquired from other ligaments and/or tendons found in the foot and nearby the ankle.

When left untouched, an ankle sprain can cause to long-term pain and instability in the ankle.

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