The passing through of electric current to the human body can cause an injury or physiological reaction known as electric shock. It occurs when the human body have a direct contact to the source of electricity. “Live wires” can constitute a risk of electric shock. Lightning strikes are the natural form of electric shock. Exposure to electricity may result in no injury but or may result in death.
Symptoms of Electric Shock
- Any noticeable burns to the skin. Common points of contact are hands, heels and head.
- Pain that can be felt commonly at hands and feet.
- Any period of unconsciousness
- Confusion
- Difficulty breathing
- Seizures
- Tingling sensation
- Numbness
- Speech problems
Always remember the following while waiting for medical help.
- Turn off the source of electricity, if possible.
- Use a nonconducting object such as things that is made up of cardboard, plastic or wood to move the source away.
- Begin CPR if the person shows no signs of circulation, such as breathing.
- Try to avoid the injured individual from becoming chilled.
- Put on bandage. Protect any burned parts with a sterile gauze bandage or a clean fabric.
Consider to seek a medical care for the following:
- Burns that are not healing well
- Increase redness, soreness or drainage to the burns
- Pregnant women who experienced electric shock
- Last tetanus booster was more than 5 years ago
Exam and Tests for patients who experienced electric shock
- ECG to check the heart
- Complete blood count
- Urine test
- X rays
- CT Scan
Prevent electric shock in your home
- Know how electricity works.
- Don’t overload circuits.
- Know your limits. Any serious electrical issues should be asked to a professional electrician.
- Find out electricity requirement. Know the specific circuit breakers fuses and even light bulbs that are allowed to be used at home.
- Turn the electricity off. Always put a main electrical panel at home which allows you to cut the flow of the electricity to the entire house.
- Cover sockets and outlets. It wise to use cover sockets especially when you have children at home. It helps keep curious fingers from injury.
- Avoid water. Electricity and water do not mix well, so appliances should be kept away from any moisture.
- Turn on the power back. Once finished doing necessary repairs, you may switch on your panel to try the appliance or outlet you’ve just repaired.